Past Exhibitions

Graduate Work  - 2001

The act of dreaming is an act of dissolution and absorption. Dreaming dissolves boundaries between the conscious and subconscious, the seen and the unseen; absorbing contradictions within the self. Dream is a meeting point where opposites fuse and all things become possible...

'Drift' - 36 individually crafted forged and welded 'Beds' twhich have been symbolically transformed by dreaming.

'Tangled Imprint' - 3 Large drawings reminiscent of windows or quilts, with stitched dream impressions 

'Recollections' -  24 Boxed works with drawings, objects and images depicting dream fragments.

Other Work - 2002 - 2009

After graduating I participated in a number of exhibitions. Some of the work produced in this period is shown below

More to come... stay tuned for more work from the vault...